Monday, June 27, 2011

Getting to Paradise!

Let me tell you, getting to Siena, Italy was no piece of cake.
That plane.  First commerical flight ever. and LONG!
It was only 9 hours, but we had a delay for 2 hours as we were sitting on the runway.
It was an overnight trip, so they intended everyone to sleep, but seriously?
Definitely not comfortable!
Here are some views from the airplane.
nasty storm clouds that made our plane be delayed by two hours.

gorgeous sunset made it all worth it though!

view from my seat!

We arrived at Frankfurt, but there was really nothing to see in the airport!
Onto the next flight, Rome!
I loved the hustle and bustle of that city.
The architecture of the buildings was just stunning!

Then a group of us took a bus to Siena and the countryside was gorgeous.
Picture mountains, sunflowers, and old towns!

And here is lovely Siena.
Also, the yummy food that we ate!
our view from dinner

seriously, the best bruschetta I have ever put in my mouth!

My favorite of the two was the pesto pasta!

the group at dinner

Allison, Nathan and Jack

Some yummy, berry dessert.

Oh, gelato!

The tower at the Piazza del Campo at night!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ciao from Italia!

Made it to Siena safe and sound and its absolutely stunning! 
Here is a snapshot from my room of the parade coming through!

Gotta go eat some dinner with the group.
Ciao for now!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Down to Uno?!?

Holy Canoli. 
Can you believe that I am down to one day left until I am in Italy?!?
Technically with the travel and time change, I won't get there until Saturday, but in my head, it will be tomorrow! 
I am packing the odds and ends tonight.
So excited!

Next time you will hear me, I will either be in Germany or Italia! :]
Ciao Bella!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I Have How Long?!?

I have less then two weeks until I leave and I am out of my wits.  I don't know what I am packing although I have thought about it millions of times.  I am going to be gone for a whole month without seeing my family and my only sources of communication will be Skype, Facebook and this lovely blog. 
I am in rush mode now.
